Dear Mr Redmond,
The Council’s 20mph Policy
Thank for your letter of 7 February 2016 in relation to a 20mph speed limit in the village of
I understand you are aware of the Council’s decision taken on 6 January 2016 to implement
20 mph speed limits across the borough within residential areas and around schools. The
decision was called-in and debated at Overview and Scrutiny committee on 9 February 2016
where it was approved.
I would like to explain in more detail the revision in the Council’s policy in setting 20mph
speed limits and hopefully this can assist you as the Chairman of the Burton Residents
Association in answering the views of the local residents.
The specific changes in the policy was to approve the implementation of 20 limits on
residential roads across the borough where the mean speeds on most roads are currently
less than 24mph and around schools where the mean speed is currently less than 30mph. A
sum of £200,000 per year for four years will be allocated to fund this initiative and over the
next 12 months the Council will prepare and develop a programme and prioritise which
areas meet the revised policy. It is important to note that the Council will no longer require
the community to put forward proposals of where they would like to see 20mph schemes
One of the key decisions is that the Council will no longer require every household within an
area where a 20mph scheme is proposed to receive an individual letter asking for their
support and provide evidence of this support of more than 50%. We will of course undertake
the Statutory Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process that involves consulting with
Emergency Services/Ward Members/Parish Council’s/Bus Operators/Road Haulage, etc.
In addition to this we will be sending letters to affected residents explaining a summary of
the scheme and how to object via the TRO process, if they so desire.
In terms of previous speed limit assessments undertaken within Burton village, it would be
unreasonable for us to pre-empt any decision now on the outcome for a 20 mph limit in
We will be assessing all areas in the borough and will continue to work closely with
Cheshire Police throughout the process to ensure we form a robust and consistent
Unfortunately, I am unable at this stage to tell you when we will be assessing the area of
Burton village as we are currently developing a programme of areas to assess and
implement in the first year. In the meantime, I hope I have been able to provide you with
more detail in relation to the revised changes in policy on 20mph speed limits.
Yours sincerely
Steve Robinson
Chief Executive