CWAC - CH64 Transport Meeting
Cheshire West and Chester Council are holding an open meeting to discuss transport options in the CH64 area. The meeting is on Friday 8th November, starting at 10am in Neston Town Hall. For more information contact Elaine Grant on 01244-973334.
Proposed Wind Turbines - Ness
The Association has formally opposed a planning application for Wind Turbines to be erected in Ness on the grounds that it would set a precedent for similar applications to be approved in Burton. This is the second time the Association has formally opposed an application for Wind Turbines in Ness. More details are to follow.
Neston Road Closure in Ness.
Neston Road will be closed near the junction of Smithy Close and the junction of Mill Lane for five days from Tuesday 22nd October while carriageway line marking is carried out.
Neston Flicks!
Neston Flicks launches on Saturday 26th October at Neston Civic Hall with a ghostly classic film called "The Others" starring Nicole Kidman. Please click on the link below for more details:
"Your new local Cinema needs you!" Volunteers are needed. If you would like to help out, please click on the link for contact details located at the bottom of the article:
Cheaper Electricity?
Cheshire West and Chester Council is urging residents to join together and buy gas and electricity collectively in a bid to save money on energy bills.
The Council has joined forces with 11 councils across the UK to create a Collective Energy Scheme, where residents are able to combine their purchasing power and bulk-buy their energy as a group, enabling them to negotiate with providers for cheaper energy bills.
Known as collective switching, the scheme will make it easier for people to switch energy provider and participants can expect to see big savings of between £60 and £200 a year.
The collective switching scheme will work by means of a reverse auction where energy suppliers will be invited to bid the lowest price to supply energy to all those signed up for the scheme.
Offers will then be sent out to participating residents who can then decide whether they want to switch to the new deal. There is no obligation to accept the offer. Registration is open till 15th October 2013.
For more details and to register click on the link below:
Community Speed Watch Update
CSW recently recorded two cars travelling at about twice the legal speed limit within the Burton 30mph area. The first was being driven on the 19th April by a young male inbound to the village at Mudhouse Lane at 57 mph. The second was being driven on the 9th May by a female inbound in Neston Road at 60 mph. PCSO Linda Conway has visited both drivers in their homes and given them words of advice in addition to handing them the usual police warning letter. The potentially serious dangers of driving in this manner were emphasised; and both drivers were told that stopping from these speeds would take approximately three times the distance they would take to stop from the permitted legal limit of 30 mph. Had they been monitored by a police officer on enforcement duty they were advised that they would almost certainly have faced a summons (rather than an offer of a fixed penalty and three points on their licences).
It is PCSO Conway’s practice personally to visit the worst speeding offenders measured by CSW volunteers. These recent examples are likely to trigger some increased police enforcement activity in the Burton 30 mph area.
High Voltage Distribution Cable
A public meeting has been arranged, at short notice, by Westernlink to discuss the route of the cable installation which will affect parts of Burton and Pudington. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th May starting at 6.30 pm in the Gladstone Village Hall. There will be a further update on the installation at the Association AGM.
Michael Lyon
It is with deepest regret the Association announces the passing of Michael Lyon. Michael was a former Chairman of the Association during the 1990's. His Remembrance Service is on Friday 5th April 2.30pm at St. Nichola's Church, Burton.
2013 Burton Residents Association AGM
A date for your diary, this year's AGM will be on Thursday 23rd May at The Gladstone Village Hall, starting at 8pm.
Neston Connect Bus Trial
The Neston Connect Bus trial has not been extended and therefore the service has now stopped. Due to the low numbers of passengers, the service was not viable going foward without financial support.
Ron Colclough
It is with deepest regret the Association announces the passing of Ron Colclough. Ron was a former Secretary of the Association during the 1990's. His funeral took place on Friday 1st March at St. Nicholas' Church, Burton.
News for Music Lovers
On Saturday 9th March, our local Wirral Symphony Orchestra will be performing at Ellesmere Civic Hall from 7.30 pm onwards with the following programme:
Tchaikovsky---Swan Lake Suite and Finale Ravel---Mother Goose Suite Rimsky---Korsakov---Scheherazade
Tickets cost £12 (£10 for over 60s, £5 under 16s and students) Call the Civic Hall Box Office --- 0151 356 6890
Neston Connect Bus Service Update
The Neston Connect bus service trial period is now under review. The number of residents using the service from Burton have been very limited, so therefore it is likely the service will be withdrawn, unless more use it.
Full Time Policing back at Neston
At the November Police Beat Meeting, it was announced that Cheshire Police are planning to bring back a full time police presence to replace several years of skeleton staff manning the Neston police office. New area Inspector, Brian Green, is planning to have seven officers based in Neston, along with three Special Constables, working on a 24 hour, 7 day week shift pattern. The Unit will have its own dedicated response vehicle which will bring down the target times from 15 minutes to an average 5 minutes. The Association has also been promised more targeted speed enforcement for Burton as well.
New 40 mph speed limit and 30mph zone extension on Neston Road - Update
CWaC have confirmed the work will now start on Monday 12th November and will last for up to ten days while new road markings and signs are installed. Neston Road from Ness to Burton's Mill Lane Junction will be closed to all traffic, except for access to residents properties and emergency vehicles.
Burton Manor - Apple Weekend October 20th and 21st
Supported by Gordale Nurseries, Art & Craft Workshops open, Wirral Bee Keepers with demonstration hive, advice on fruit growing, many local organisations and food producers and the Neston Company of Archers giving Demonstration and Instruction. Local home made cakes on sale from Can Do Cupcakes.
Public Meeting on Burton Traffic Issues
The above meeting will be held under the auspices of Cheshire West and Chester Council and will be led by Councillors Kay Loch and Louise Gittins. Representatives of the Police and the Council Highways Department will be in attendance to listen to the concerns of residents and answer their questions. This meeting has been organised at the request of the Association and all residents with concerns about traffic in Burton, be it speed, volume, visibility or otherwise, are urged to attend.
The Meeting will be on Wednesday 14th November at the Gladstone Village Hall, starting at 7.30 pm.
St. Nicholas Proposed Church Extension - Update
A meeting took place between the Association Committee and the Venerable Doctor Michael Gilbertson (Archdeacon of Chester) and the Reverend Mrs Cathy Helm (Vicar of St Nicholas’ Church) on 18th June 2012 to discuss the proposed Church Extension. Please see Church Extension page for the minutes of the meeting. Any further updates on the proposal will be posted on this page.
Wheelie Bins and Boxes Stolen
Two residents in Puddington Lane have reported their Wheelie Bins and Recycling Boxes were stolen on Tuesday 2nd October around 4.30pm. The theft was made by a male driving a blue Ford Transit van. Residents are advised to indelibly mark their bins and boxes with a house name or another identifying mark. If you have already experienced a similar theft yourselves or witnessed one, please contact the Police on 101 and CWaC on 0300 123 8 123.
New 40 mph speed limit and 30mph zone extension on Neston Road - Latest and other road improvements
Due to the weather, along with CWaC changing their contractor, we have been informed by Highways that work won't start until later on this month/early November. At a recent meeting with the Highways Department, arranged by the Association, their Senior Engineer Andy Raynor apologised on behalf of the Council for the delay in implementing the new scheme. Mr Raynor explained, the poor Summer had set back their planned county wide programme of repairs and line re-painting and also, they have decided to their change contractor as well. He has asked the new contractors to prioritise the work, so it is completed by the end of October, again depending on the weather! Other improvements -- After lobbying by the Association, there are now firm plans in place to improve the blind junction of The Village and Puddington Lane by placing minor cross hatching which is designed to protect both sides of the enterance and hopefully improve visability. Other plans for The Village include the painting of "Slow" signs on the road, just before the narrow section by Manor Villas. The pavements opposite Manor Villas are also to be refurbished as well.
Deeside Incinerator – Update
Last month, NWRWTP (North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project) announced the council owned former steelworks site on Deeside Industrial Park had been chosen, after the owners of Anglesey Aluminum pulled out of talks on a site near Holyhead. NWRWTP chose the Deeside brownfield site due to it being away from residential homes and it being linked to the Bidston-Wrexham railway line. Unfortunately for Burton and Puddington Residents, the proposed location is to the left of Shotton Paper Mill, next to the railway! As stated previously, the Association opposes the proposal. For more information on the proposed Deeside Incinerator including an aerial image of the location and press reports … please click on this link.
New 40 mph speed limit and 30 mph zone extension - Neston Road - Update
Due to the poor summer, the contractors working on behalf of the Highways Department are currently behind schedule. Work has now been re-scheduled to start this month.
"Use it or lose it!"
The new Neston Connect bus service is now operational and will run for a trial period of six months. All residents are reminded that if it is not used in sufficent numbers, it is unlikely that further funding will be available after the trial period......please use it or lose it!
New 40mph speed limit - Update
After further discussions with the Highways Department, the consultation process has now been completed with no objections from residents and all the legal changes required have been also been processed. Unfortunately, the conversion work required cannot start until August at the earliest, as this type of work is usually carried out during school holidays to minimise disruption.
St. Nicholas Proposed Church Extension - Update
Over the past twelve months 250 residents of Burton, Puddington and beyond ( including a clear majority of the members of the Association and many local members of the congregation) have registered their opposition to the PCC’s proposal to build a hall extending from the north west corner of the church to the wood behind. They have done this by letter and email to the Association and by signing lists in support of an open letter to the Vicar from twelve members of the congregation. 14 letters have been received in support of the proposal.
The Association has not detected any hostility to the church and its wish to secure its future by improving its facilities, but clearly there is strong opposition to the present proposal. The main objections identified by the Association are as follows:-
- Damage to the architecture and appearance of the present building
- Damage to the unique setting of the church.
- Disturbance of graves.
- Disturbance to The Rake.
- The cost
The Association has also received a number of constructive alternative suggestions to improve the church’s facilities, the most popular of which are:-
- Make better use of the Vestry than currently planned, possibly by extending it northwards towards the wood or eastwards (which could widen it by about 10 feet). Floor levels to be changed for ease of access and a small kitchen facility to be installed. Adaptation of the Vestry has been advocated by many people.
- Make more use of the church itself, possibly by removing another row or perhaps two rows of pews and replacing them with comfortable, collapsible chairs as has already been done in many churches.
- Install a W.C. in the Vestry and/or adapt/extend the present W.C. at the base of the Tower with access from beneath the west window of the Massey Chapel or, if feasible, from the Tower.
- The erection of a timber/prefabricated hall on the level ground in the wood behind the church with a short path leading to it and with possible vehicular access from The Village road. The woodland setting could be made attractive and appealing to the young whilst remaining screened from the church by the mature trees on the edge of the wood.
The Association understands that even if two or three of the above suggestions were to be adopted, they would be less costly than the proposed hall.
All of the matters mentioned above have been covered in correspondence with the PCC over the past twelve months. The Association has also informed the PCC that whilst it has so far adopted a neutral stance in this matter, it would have no alternative but to resist the present proposal on behalf of the substantial majority of its members who are opposed to it, should the PCC decide to press on with its current plan despite strong local opposition.
Further information will be published on this website as it becomes available.
New 272 Bus Replacement Service A new service to replace the 272 starts Monday 18th June. Called "Neston Connect", the new mini bus service will operate Monday, Wednesday and Friday and customers can hail the service anywhere on route. If successful, the service could be extended to Tuesday and Thursday as well. Neston Connect will run for a trail period until 31st December. Please see our website page with the planned route and timetable.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association takes place on Wednesday 9th May 2012, starting at 8pm in Gladstone Village Hall. All members and local residents, who are not members, are welcome to attend. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served after the meeting.
New 40mph speed limit - Update
CWAC have advertised in the local press with the public consultation process is to be completed by the end of the month. We have also been informed they now plan to extend the existing 30mph zone further in the direction of Ness, with the new 40 mph zone starting just outside Greenacres Stables. From there it will continue North to the Ness border. This is good news for the households on the right hand side who are not currently in the 30 mph zone.
Burton Nurseries Closure The adminstrators KPMG have announced the closure of the site on Friday 23rd March due to no buyer being found to take over the running of the business. The Association is concerned about the future of the site and hope it doesn't become another eyesore similar to the way the closed Petrol Station has become!
A540 Chester Highroad Road Works March/April
CWAC are currently preparing a scheme to resurface the section of the A540 from Hinderton Road through to Liverpool Road. The extent of the works are from outside the Shell petrol station to a point just north of the Liverpool Road traffic signals.
The works are to be completed in two separate phases. Phase 1 – Hinderton Arms crossroads and Phase 2 Hinderton Road to Liverpool Road. The traffic management (TM) associated with this scheme is somewhat complex and will, unfortunately, cause significant disruption as it will be necessary to close the A540 to accommodate the resurfacing works: Phase 1 Night time working (18:00 through to 7:00) Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and possibly Sat 28th March 2012 OR a full weekend closure from 18:00 Fri 20th April through to 22:00 Sunday 22nd April 2012. During these works the whole crossroads will be closed – A540 in both directions. Hinderton Road and Quarry Road. The proposed diversion routes are as follows: A540 Northbound (to Heswall) - B5133 Hanns Hall Road, B5151 Birkenhead Road / Willaston Road, B5136 Thornton Common Road / Neston Road / Liverpool Road through to Fiveways junction. A540 Southbound (to Chester) - B5136 Liverpool Road / Neston Road / Thornton Common Road, B5151 Willaston Road / Birkenhead Road, B5133 Neston Road, B5151 Hadlow Road though to Dunstan Lane signals.
Phase 2 Full road closure from 15:00 Sunday 1 April to 22:00 Thursday 5 April 2012 During these works the road will be completely closed to all through traffic.The proposed diversion routes are as follows: A540 Northbound - B5134 Hinderton Road / Chester Road, High Street, B5136 High Street / Liverpool Road. A540 Southbound - B5136 Liverpool Road, Ladies Walk, Raby Road, B5136 High Street, B5134 High Street / Chester Road / Hinderton Road.
Closure of Mudhouse Lane - Monday 23rd April
Please note the following temporary road closure on Mudhouse Lane from the junction of Chester High Road for a distance of 100 metres, to enable BT Openreach on behalf of A-Plant Lux Traffic to carry out overhead cabling works. The works are due to commence on Monday 23 April 2012 and are expected to last for one day.
Deeside Waste Incinerator - Update
After further investigation, the Association is against this proposal and would encourage all members to sign a local petition, where available (see website link below). A letter will be sent to the appropiate authorities to outline our opposition to the planned location on Deeside Industrial Estate.
New 40mph speed limit between Ness and Burton
CWAC have now confirmed due to a lack of funding, installation will now take place in the next financial year (April onwards). In the meantime, a public consultation period will take place over February and March, so the scheme can be introduced as early as possible in the new financial year.
New - Deeside Waste Incinerator
We have been informed there are plans to build a Waste Incinerator on Deeside Industrial Estate. Please see link The Association will be monitoring this closely and there will be a further update next month.
New 40mph speed limit between Ness and Burton
We have chased CWAC and are awaiting a update, as installation was promised before Christmas (see October 2011 section).
Burton Manor Latest
We have been informed by the Friends of Burton Manor, the University of Chester have not been able to reach an agreement with Liverpool City Council. The Friends are now discussing several alternative options and there will be a further update next month.
2011 -
Ness Gardens
Are holding various courses from January onwards. The Organic Gardening course starts on Friday 6th January and places are still available. There is also a full Adult Education Programme which includes 2012's list of courses, workshops and talks. See for more details.
272 Bus public meeting
Amended - 10/1/12 We have been informed by Councillor Gittins, the meeting arranged for this Monday is not a public meeting but a working Group instead. The Group consists of local residents, Councillors (CWAC and Neston Town Council), officers and the bus companies. A Resident will Chair the meeting.
Cheshire West and Chester Council have now arranged a public meeting at Ness Gardens on Monday 16th January at 10am to seek views from those who use the 272 service. All our welcome to attend.
Changes to local bus services
Helms Coaches will be introducing a new timetable for their 272 (Ellesmere Port – Neston - Arrowe Park) service from 27th December. The revised service will no longer serve Burton, Ness or West Vale, residents from those areas can access Arrowe Park Hospital by taking Avon Buses service 24 to Heswall Bus Station, and changing on to frequent services 71 and 72 to travel up to the Hospital. Please go to or call 0871-2002233 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0871-2002233 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for the revised timetable.
Burton Manor latest
Negotiations are still ongoing between the University of Chester and Liverpool City Council. The Friends of Burton Manor are also exploring alternative ideas to secure the Manor, Atelier and Workshops.
Saturday 3rd December - Christmas Fair at Gladstone Village Hall starting at 2pm. Come and see Father Christmas!
The Gladstone Village Hall Committee are looking for volunteers from Burton or Puddington to either stand for the Committee or to help out at the fundraising events throughout the year. If you would like to volunteer, please contact The Gladstone Village Hall Committee directly. Saturday 5th November - Bonfire and Fireworks Display at Gladstone Village Hall. Open to members of the public from 6.30pm. --- Stop Press - Attendance figures up on 2010 and a record profit made for the night!
Burton Manor Latest
We believe that Chester University and Liverpool City Council are discussing the potential sale of the Manor to Chester University. New Speed Limit between Ness and Burton
During the summer, the Association was successful in lobbying Cheshire West and Chester Highways Department for the introduction of a new 40 mph speed limit on Neston Road. The new limit would start from the end of the 30 mph zone in Ness to the start of the existing 30 mph zone in Burton. The Association believes the lower limit will help to reduce the speed of motorists entering and leaving Burton, as this part of our Village has the worst record for motorists breaking the law. As of early October 2011, we believe Highways plan to introduce the new limit by Christmas.
RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands
The new RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands, located on the Old Fisheries site is now open. All Villagers are welcome to take a relaxing walk to experience the sights and sounds of the nature trails which meander through the newly planted reed beds and the Burton pools which have lily pads and colourful wild flowers all around. Over the last three years the RSPB has been transforming the land, along with new visitor facilities which include a reception building where RSPB staff will welcome visitors and point out the wildlife that can be seen in the newly created pools and wetlands. The Wetlands were officially opened in September by Iolo Williams, TV wildlife presenter of BBC’s Springwatch. The reserve is open daily, with the reception building open from 9.30 am to 5 pm. Entry to the reserve is free to members. To join and find out more see or phone 0151 336 7681 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0151 336 7681 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
The latest Speed Watch figures covering the period June 2010 to June 2011 are now available to view on the Speedwatch page.
An elderly woman has died following a road accident in Burton
Published: 24th May 2011 14:13 |
An 89-year-old woman has sadly died in hospital following a road traffic collision in Burton almost three weeks ago.
Police were called to The Village in Burton just after 4pm on Friday 6th May 2011, where four cars - a Hyundai, a Chevrolet, a Landrover, and a Mini had been involved in a collision. Two men were taken to Arrowe Park Hospital where they were treated for non-life threatening injuries and subsequently released following treatment.
The 89-year-old lady, a passenger in the Hyundai, was taken to the Countess of Chester Hospital, where she sadly died yesterday as a result of her injuries.
Any witnesses to the collision are asked to contact Chester Traffic Unit on 0845 458 0000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0845 458 0000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting quoting incident 597 06.05.11.
Article courtesy of
The Annual General Meeting of the Association took place at Gladstone Village Hall on Wednesday 13th April.
Proposed Church Extension - please see correspondence between the Association and St. Nicholas' Church on the proposed Church Extension.
1. Burton Manor College - Liverpool City Council have announced the closure of Burton Manor due to cuts in their 2011/12 budget from 31/3/11. It is hoped that Chester College may be able to buy the Manor from Liverpool City Council.
Summer 2010 -
1. During a Community Speed Watch (CSW) session in the evening of 24th June, a motorist was measured approaching the 30mph sign from Ness at 70mph in the 60mph zone and reducing his speed to 47mph as he passed PCSO Linda Conway and committee member Steve Lord operating a laser speed "gun" well within the 30 mph zone, just by Mill Lane. Steve commented: "This is the worst recorded speed we have encountered for several years during CSW and as a resident on this stretch of road I consider it is just madness, especially as there are families with young children living so close to the road! On the 17th September this same motorist was recorded by CSW volunteers in Neston Road travelling towards Ness at 40mph in the 30mph zone. In addition to receiving the usual Cheshire Police warning letters, this driver was visited by Neston police officers who spoke to him of the dangers of such excessive speeds."
If you see any consistent drivers speeding excessively through the Village and are able to note their Registration Number, please contact PCSO Linda Conway directly to report it further at
2. Haddon Wood has been sold to Woodlands UK Ltd. Woodlands sell parcels of land off to private buyers (two areas have been sold as of January 2011).
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